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District Invests in Comprehensive Safety Overhaul

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As the first school bell rings in the fall, the students and staff of Port Chester-Rye Union Free School District will step into a new era with enhanced safety measures. These include:

* An anonymous reporting system in partnership with Sandy Hook Promise. This new system will be implemented in the 2024-25 school year. It is designed to empower students, parents, and staff to report concerns. This ensures a new level of proactive vigilance within the district where issues are addressed promptly.
* The installation of a new portable radio communication system. By summer’s end, facilities will be equipped with handheld radios, creating a seamless line of communication across all schools.
* The installation of new intercom and doorbell systems at every entrance. Each doorbell will be equipped with a camera, integrating seamlessly into the district's new security camera system. These enhancements will allow for real-time visual verification, ensuring that every visitor is thoroughly vetted before entering the buildings.
* A digital key management overhaul. Digital keys and key cards have been distributed to all staff, granting them access to all external doors with enhanced control.
* Wireless electronic locks on all classroom and office doors. Currently in process, the installation of the locks will ensure that access to sensitive areas is tightly controlled, while still allowing for quick exits in case of emergencies.
* The installation of a lockdown panic system. Every building will now be equipped with pull-stations, strobe lights, disabled swipe access, and VoIP phone integration. In the event of an emergency, this system will trigger an immediate lockdown, alerting all occupants and authorities while sealing off access points to ensure everyone’s safety.


As the new school year approaches, we are excited to support an environment where students are safe to learn and grow.

For a detailed outline of safety and security updates, please refer to the Security Reassessment provided by Safety & Security Coordinator Michael Dowd and our partners at Altaris Consulting Group.