Remote Learning
Dear RAMily,
In order to meet NYS Regulations for instructional requirements in public schools, the Board of Education District Calendar for the 2024-25 school year states: At the discretion of the Superintendent, the 3rd Emergency Closing Day shall be either a day without classes or a day of remote instruction if permitted by NYSED. If permitted by NYSED, the Port Chester Public Schools shall hold remote instruction and not lose instructional days beginning with the 4th Emergency Closing Day. Currently, NYSED permits remote instruction to count towards NYS daily and hourly instructional minimums for public schools. Please visit the website by clicking here for additional information and FAQs regarding this topic.
To be ready for remote instruction, PCRUFSD offers the following guidelines and resources to families. Please review the following information and if you need support, reach out to the appropriate staff members listed in the Remote Learning Guide for Families UPK-12, below.