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Port Chester Middle School Receives Book Donation from Italy

Sixth grade students reading donated books from Italy. thumbnail260945
Sixth grade students reading donated books from Italy. thumbnail260946
Sixth grade students reading donated books from Italy. thumbnail260947
Maria Figura, one of the Italian Teachers in the World Language Department at PCMS, shows her 6th grade students the box of donated books, posters, maps and other learning resources that she just received from Messina, Italy. The lively classes in the World Language Department use as many authentic resources as possible to help the students fully immerse themselves in the language they are studying. Italian is one of the languages taught at PCMS. World language is a core class in middle school and students starting in 6th grade have the opportunity to earn one high-school credit if they successfully complete the exam at the end of 8th grade. French and Spanish for non-Spanish speakers are also offered.