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Second Graders Create Own Bird Artworks

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Second graders from across Port Chester-Rye Union Free School District’s elementary schools drew a variety of birds during an interdisciplinary project that intertwined science and art.

“The students have been learning about birds from a scientific perspective, but then they turned their discoveries into a work of art,” said Alie Gallagher, art teacher at Thomas Edison Elementary School and J.F.K. Elementary School. “They created their own birds by either creating it entirely from their own imagination or combining several parts of birds that already exist.”

During the experience, the students worked with artist and bird naturalist Christina Baal, who inspired the students to create their own artwork and become aware of the different types of birds in the world, both locally and internationally. During the lesson, Baal shared with the students that there are 10,000 different types of birds in the world.

“One student created an eagle with a pelican beak,” Gallagher said. “What stood out the most to me was that each student created a different work of art.”

Click here to view the photo slideshow.

Date Added: 6/4/2024