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Professional Development Gives Teachers the Tools to Enhance Students' Literary Skills

Pre-K and Kindergarten students. thumbnail264270
Port Chester's Universal Pre-K and kindergarten teachers participated in a professional development workshop led by Heggerty's Lori Jurjovec recently. A research-based literacy program, Heggerty focuses on developing phonemic awareness  through engaging and interactive lessons.

The workshop's goal, as explained by Jurjovec, was to build a greater understanding of why phonemic awareness, what you may call phonics, is crucial for literacy development, especially at the pre-k level. Phonics matches the sounds of spoken English with individual letters or groups of letters.

“It’s about offering students an opportunity to build a foundation rooted in brain science that will support future literacy skills,” she said.

Teachers engaged in hands-on activities, learning strategies such as using hand motions and scaffolding tools like Elkonin boxes and felt boards to make phonemic concepts more tangible for young learners. The session also highlighted the importance of these methods in promoting long-term literacy success, helping children connect sounds to symbols and prepare for more complex phonics patterns.

In the future, Heggerty will support teachers with coaching sessions, video tutorials and other resources for continued learning.

"We want to ensure that teachers have ongoing support and the tools they need to foster literacy development in their classrooms", said Jurjovec.

Date Added: 2/12/2025