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Maximizing Success in Special Education

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Maximizing Success in Special Education thumbnail261089
The Special Education Department has had a productive summer.

The Extended School Year (ESY) program, led by a team of special education teachers, aides and therapists, with support from the buildings and grounds crew, provided students with specialized instruction to help them retain knowledge and meet the goals for their continued progress.

In addition to running the ESY program, the department secured over $1 million in funding through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Grant to enhance support and services for students in the future. Committees on Special Education (CSE) and Committees on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) also met to address the needs of both preschoolers and school-aged students with disabilities.

Efforts extended to completing vital state reports and preparing for professional development events to support new hires and welcome back faculty and staff during the district's Superintendent's Conference Days.