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Unified Basketball Fosters Teamwork at Port Chester High School

Port Chester High School Unified Basketball players. thumbnail258356
Port Chester High School Unified Basketball players. thumbnail258358
Port Chester High School Unified Basketball players. thumbnail258359
Port Chester High School Unified Basketball players. thumbnail258360
Port Chester High School Unified Basketball players. thumbnail258361

Port Chester High School students showed off their skills during the annual unified basketball game, held in the gymnasium on May 2. The team of 16 athletes were cheered on by classmates, administrators, parents and Board members as they scored points on the basketball court.

“The Port Chester Ramily has been very supportive of the unified basketball league,” said Port Chester High School Assistant Principal Juan Sanchez, who is one of the team’s assistant coaches. “Attendance at our home games has been phenomenal and the crowd keeps our team playing at a high energy level.”

Date Added: 5/13/2024

This is the first year that Port Chester High School has participated in a unified basketball league, which is led by coach David Sheridan and assistant coaches Dejeana Peoples, Juan Sanchez and Derek Vincent. Unified athletics is a Special Olympics initiative dedicated to promoting social inclusion by joining people with and without intellectual disabilities as teammates.

“The Port Chester Rams unified basketball team reminds us that sports can bring us together and unite us all,” Sanchez said. “It breaks down barriers, challenges stereotypes and cultivates a sense of belonging for everyone involved. It also promotes cooperation, teamwork and mutual respect, enriching the experiences and perspectives of all participants.”

The team will play at home on May 21 and May 30 against Irvington High School and Rye High School, respectively, and away on May 15 and May 20 against Mamaroneck High School and Rye High School, respectively.