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Students Draw Giraffes as Part of Ecology Study

Park Avenue Elementary School students thumbnail256248
Park Avenue Elementary School students thumbnail256253

Park Avenue Elementary School kindergarten and first grade students in teacher Vanessa Mojica’s class drew upon their knowledge of animal adaptations to create sketches of giraffes, emphasizing their long necks.

Mojica said the students have been learning about different animals, including giraffes, who live in the hot and dry savanna, and investigating how they’ve adapted to their environment to survive within their ecosystem. Taking on the roles of ecologists, the students considered how the animals get food or what helps the animals get their food.

“The students learned that giraffes use their long necks to help them reach leaves in the tall acacia trees,” Mojica said. “They also learned about many animals throughout our lessons, and a key takeaway was to understand how it would look to draw a giraffe, being the tallest animal in the world.”

Date Added: 3/14/2024